Saturday, May 10, 2008

And The Point Is....

When I read something like Alan Abramowitz's column on Obama, In These Primary Numbers, Warnings for the Fall
Sen. Barack Obama is the all but certain Democratic nominee, but voting patterns in Indiana and North Carolina show that resistance to a black candidate among some white Democrats remains a serious threat to his chances in November....
I have to wonder what the point is. Are we back to "the country's not ready for an African American President (so you had better nominate the white guy gal)"? Abramowitz gives us this conclusion:
Democrats must hope that disapproval of Bush could lead working-class voters to begrudgingly approve of a black presidential candidate.
It's fair to say that we can assume a voting bloc that is simply too racist to ever vote for an African American. Democrats can "hope" that they don't bother to vote for McCain. But the idea that the rest of the nation's "working-class voters" will go to the polls and vote against their interests simply to keep an African American out of the White House? To the extent that "hope" is involved, Democrats should hope working class voters will assign that notion to the scrapheap of elitist claptrap, by voting in such a manner (even if for McCain) that it's obvious that they're motivated by the issues and not by race.

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